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San Antonio Cosmetic SurgeryCreate your Own Trend!

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Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgeons logo American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery logo Texas Medical Association logo Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Bexar County Medical Society logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgeons logo American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery logo Texas Medical Association logo Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Bexar County Medical Society logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgeons logo American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery logo Texas Medical Association logo Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Bexar County Medical Society logo

Do you love browsing magazines to see what celebrities are wearing this season, or how they are wearing their hair? Trends can be incredibly interesting, even tempting. We see how they drive everything from our preference in automobiles to seasonal clothing. What happens without us realizing it is a drive through fashion that dictates what beauty looks like. The messages that women, in particular, are sent on a daily basis can play an integral role in how attractive they feel. These messages, to some degree, even drive trends in cosmetic surgery. Here's why they shouldn't:

Trends change.

It's that simple. What's in today will be out tomorrow. And you can bet your bottom dollar that, at some point, what is out tomorrow will come back into style.  Here's a look at what we're saying:

  • The Gibson Girl was a girl every woman wanted to be in the early 1900s. The thing is, this ideal body type was not modeled after a real woman. No, the Gibson Girl was made up, literally, by an illustrator of the day, Charles Gibson. She could fit perfectly into the dresses that were in style at that time. The problem was, real women had to tighten uncomfortable corsets around their waists to become the “it” girl of the moment.
  • Mid-century, we also saw a love of the voluptuous female form, after several decades of waif-worship. Actresses like Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe made men swoon, and women do what they could to create curves.
  • Throughout the 60s and 70s, it was curved that were out. During these decades, the ideal body type was slimmer – much slimmer. Twiggy may have been a hippy, but she didn't have any hips to show for it.
  • The 80s was somewhat of a free-for-all regarding body type, but the 90s had us right back into trying to be thin and straight as a board.
  • In 2010, we saw the dawn of a new day – the day of the booty. Since that time, women everywhere have considered, if not followed through with, a Brazilian Butt Lift.

The Timeless Beauty

As you can see, what “they” say is beautiful will change from one day to the next. At least one decade to the next! Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what your authentic beauty looks like. We're here to help you.

To schedule a consultation with our Plastic Surgeon San Antonio patients can call Dr. Ortegon today at (210) 368-6618!

Contact us today to schedule your consultation with the renowned San Antonio plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Delio Ortegon. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

4910 Golden Quail Suite 140, San Antonio, TX 78240

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