A graceful aging process isn't just a dream; it's something that millions of men and women are now enjoying. The wide variety of laser and light treatments, modern cosmetic surgeries, and injectables have made it easy to manage the signs of aging that have historically caused a great deal of frustration. Seeing that our specialty is helping people feel more confident in and satisfied with their appearance, we couldn't be happier with the current trends in aesthetic medicine. At the same time, we know there are a few things that may need some clarification.
One of the pitfalls of today's trends is that one could easily make assumptions about which treatment is “right” and which may be “wrong.” Here, we want to shed some light on the assumptions that are made about dermal fillers. Specifically, on the idea that injectable of any kind is better for anti-aging than a surgical lift.
We can understand the appeal of injectables. No surgery. No downtime. Lower cost (at least initially). These are cold, hard facts. The theory that non-surgical treatment is somehow better, or that this approach will ultimately look more natural, is not a fact at all; it is subjective. Reputable cosmetic physicians take the stance of supporting patients' needs and desires, but also of providing information that will facilitate the most desirable outcome.
The intention of your cosmetic surgeon at San Antonio Cosmetic Surgery is to give you the results you want in the most appropriate manner. Learn more about our services at 210-951-2483.
Contact us today to schedule your consultation with the renowned San Antonio plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Delio Ortegon. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.
4910 Golden Quail Suite 140, San Antonio, TX 78240